Does Low Dose Ketamine Cause Weight Gain?

When considering treatments for depression, chronic pain, or anxiety, the idea of using low dose ketamine has become increasingly popular. Known for its rapid-acting effects, ketamine offers relief when other treatments fall short.

However, as with any medication, patients are concerned about potential side effects, including the possibility of weight gain.

So, does low-dose ketamine cause weight gain? The short answer is no – there is currently no substantial evidence to suggest that low-dose ketamine leads to significant weight gain.

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However, the relationship between ketamine and weight is more nuanced and worth exploring in detail. Read on to learn more…

What is Ketamine?

Ketamine is an anesthetic developed in the 1960s, primarily used for surgical procedures due to its dissociative properties. In recent years, low dose ketamine has gained attention for its off-label use in treating mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

What is Ketamine?

Unlike traditional antidepressants, which may take weeks to show results, ketamine can alleviate symptoms within hours. This has led to its increasing popularity, particularly in cases of treatment-resistant depression.

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How Does Ketamine Work on the Brain?

Ketamine’s mechanism of action is complex and not entirely understood. However, it is known to work on the NMDA receptors in the brain, which play a role in mood regulation, memory, and learning.

By blocking these receptors, ketamine increases the availability of glutamate, a neurotransmitter that helps strengthen synaptic connections. This process is thought to create new neural pathways, leading to rapid improvements in mood and cognition.

Common Side Effects of Low Dose Ketamine

Common Side Effects of Low Dose Ketamine

Like all medications, ketamine has a range of potential side effects. The most common include dizziness, nausea, increased heart rate, and transient dissociation. These side effects are generally short-lived and subside as the drug leaves the system.

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Notably, weight gain is not listed among the common side effects of low-dose ketamine. However, understanding why this is the case requires a deeper look at how ketamine interacts with the body.

Is There a Direct Link Between Ketamine and Appetite?

One of the primary ways medications can lead to weight gain is by increasing appetite. For example, many antidepressants are known to stimulate hunger, leading to an increase in caloric intake.

Ketamine, however, does not appear to have this effect. In fact, some studies suggest that ketamine might actually decrease appetite in some individuals, particularly in higher doses used during anesthesia.

This lack of appetite stimulation is one reason why low dose ketamine is unlikely to cause weight gain directly.

Does Ketamine Influence Metabolism?
man holding his stomach in pain

Does Ketamine Influence Metabolism?

Another potential pathway for weight gain is through changes in metabolism. Some medications can slow metabolic processes, leading to weight gain over time.

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There is currently no evidence to suggest that ketamine has a significant impact on metabolic rates. In fact, ketamine’s dissociative effects and the way it alters brain chemistry are not known to interfere with the body’s ability to process food or regulate weight.

Mental Health and Weight Gain

While ketamine may not directly cause weight gain, the mental health conditions it treats – such as depression and anxiety – often have a complicated relationship with weight.

Depression, for instance, can lead to either weight loss or weight gain, depending on the individual. Some people may eat more as a form of emotional coping, while others may lose their appetite entirely.

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As ketamine alleviates depressive symptoms, it may normalize eating behaviors, which could lead to weight changes. However, this would be a secondary effect and not a direct result of the ketamine itself.

What Does Research Findings say?

To date, there is limited research specifically focused on the relationship between low dose ketamine and weight gain. Most studies on ketamine are centered on its efficacy in treating mental health conditions and its short-term side effects.

The few studies that do mention weight do not report significant changes among participants using low-dose ketamine.

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It’s important to note that the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but current data does not support the idea that ketamine causes weight gain.

What Are Practitioners Seeing about low dose ketamine?

What Are Practitioners Seeing?

Anecdotal evidence from clinicians who administer low dose ketamine infusions supports the idea that weight gain is not a common side effect.

Patients undergoing ketamine therapy for depression or chronic pain typically do not report significant changes in their weight.

In some cases, patients may even experience weight loss due to an improvement in mood and a reduction in stress-related eating behaviors. However, as with any treatment, individual responses can vary.

What are the Possible Exceptions?

While the general consensus is that low dose ketamine does not cause weight gain, it’s essential to consider possible exceptions. For instance, individuals who are already predisposed to weight gain due to genetic factors, lifestyle, or concurrent use of other medications may experience changes in weight during ketamine treatment.

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Additionally, since ketamine is often used in conjunction with other medications, it can be challenging to isolate its effects on weight. Therefore, any weight changes observed during ketamine therapy might be influenced by other factors.

Practical Considerations for Patients

For patients considering low dose ketamine therapy, concerns about weight gain should not be a significant deterrent. However, it’s always wise to discuss any worries with your healthcare provider.

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Monitoring weight and overall health throughout treatment is a good practice, particularly if other medications or conditions are in play. If any unexpected weight changes occur, they should be addressed promptly to determine the cause.


Current evidence suggests that low dose ketamine does not cause weight gain. While individual responses to ketamine therapy can vary, the drug does not appear to influence appetite, metabolism, or weight directly.

Most patients undergoing ketamine treatment for depression, anxiety, or chronic pain do not report significant changes in their weight. However, as with any medical treatment, it’s essential to approach ketamine therapy with a comprehensive understanding of its potential effects, both direct and indirect.

Patients should work closely with their healthcare providers to monitor any changes and ensure that their treatment plan is tailored to their unique needs.

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